
What Causes Neuropathy?

Neuropathy is common. About 25% of adults will be affected at some point. If you are one of them, you may be wondering what causes peripheral neuropathy.

Confused By Your Symptoms? Here’s What They Mean.

Seemingly unrelated symptoms of neuropathy can be confusing and depend on the type nerve that is damaged. Here's what they mean.
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Take Advantage of These Free Medical Services

You may be entitled to these free medical services.

Is Undetected Kidney Disease Causing You Uremic Neuropathy?

Kidney disease goes undetected 90% of the time, with 20% to 50% of kidney disease patients developing uremic neuropathy. Could this be you?

4 Clean CBD Brands You Can Trust

Contaminates are found in many CBD products due to little regulation. Find out what to look for when shopping for safer clean and organic CBD brands to trust.

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Joy Organics: The Clean Family-Owned CBD Brand

Quality counts when it comes to effectiveness of CBD. That's why Joy Organics gets high marks from reviewers.

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3 Best Essential Oils for Soothing Nerve Pain

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Conquering CIDP: Strategies for Treatment Triumph

Learn strategies for conquering this rare autoimmune disease that attacks nerves.

The Surprising Connection Between Sleep Apnea, Diabetes and Nerve Damage

Learn about the connection between sleep apnea, nerve damage, and diabetes, and how to avoid nerve damage with sleep apnea treatment.

You’re Not Alone. Help for Chronic Illness Patients.

Did you know: 60% of adults in this country are living with at least one chronic illness? Here are free resources to help.

7 Natural Diabetic Neuropathy Treatments At-Home That Work

These 7 natural diabetic neuropathy treatments you can do at home, and that actually work.

How Does Red Light Therapy for Nerves Work?

Learn about the amazing benefits of red light therapy for your nerve health and more.

Treating Your Pain by Changing Your Brain With Mindfulness

There are many reports in the literature that support mindfulness for pain relief. But what is it, and how does someone suffering from pain get started?

The Surprising Dangers of Vitamin B6 Supplements

A close look reveals a surprising and potentially harmful side effect of excessive vitamin B6 intake – vitamin B6 toxic neuropathy.

Lowering Blood Sugar Level Using The Glycemic Index

A smart way to lower you blood sugar level is by eating foods that have a low glycemic index. Here's how to use it.

8 Best Supplements for Neuropathy

We know supplements help nerve regeneration, protect against nerve damage and reduce symptoms. But which supplements for neuropathy are best?