Why Standard Medical Neuropathy Treatment Doesn’t Work


Simply put: There is no drug that cures neuropathy. Prescription drugs that are used for peripheral neuropathy treatment are used to block pain and discomfort, but do not address the cause of peripheral neuropathy itself, nor do they halt its development by stopping or reversing nerve damage.

Meanwhile, the nerves continue to worsen.

Pain management is an important part of the recovery process, but simply masking the discomfort caused by peripheral neuropathy doesn’t actually do anything to improve it. Drugs used to lessen pain of damaged nerves work by blocking pain signaling. But not only do they block pain signals, but they disrupt other signals as well — leaving patients with side effects like dizziness, sleepiness, sadness, muscle spasms, and tremors. Without working towards regenerating the function of nerves (and hindering them with medication), they continue to degrade with progressing damage.

Most medical doctors will tell you that peripheral neuropathy is progressive and that there is no cure. Both of these facts are true. There is no medical cure — as in no medication, surgery or procedure to reverse peripheral neuropathy. And damaged nerves do continue to degenerate. But what you may not have been told is that damaged peripheral nerves have the ability to heal, provided the nerve body is still functioning. Under specific conditions, they can be encouraged to regrow and regain their full functionality.

The Body’s Built-In Healing Ability Can Be Stimulated to Reverse Damaged Nerves

Science has known for over 200 years that peripheral nerves have the ability to heal. What was not known until very recently is what exactly blocks them from doing so. And perhaps even more importantly, what can be done to remove that blockage.

While research in this area is in its infancy, the findings are pointing out how to stimulate the human body to repair itself. Current research in nerve regeneration is indicating that the foundations required to stimulate your body’s own healing system do not require a medical cure in the form of a medication, surgery, or other procedure. They are lifestyle changes and simple home self-therapies that can be implemented today.

Foundations for Nerve Health

  • Increase vascular network and its circulatory abilities
  • Balance growth factors
  • Encourage an increase in ATP production
  • Balance nitric oxide
  • Stimulate Schwann cell production
  • Eliminate causes of damage, where possible
  • Eliminate damaging prescriptions, where possible
  • Supply nerves with key nutrients
  • Reduce toxic burden
  • Exercise moderately
  • Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet

The foundations researchers are finding to encourage nerve regrowth may in due time become common standards of care. But that is still a good many years from being established or adopted in a medical office.

Where to Find Natural Nerve Healthcare

The conventional medical community is committed to scientific evidence, gratefully so. We want medications and surgeries proven effective and risks identified by trials. However, it is estimated that the average time for new therapies to make it from the research lab, through trials, and into medical practice is 10 to 17 years. Patients devastated by nerve damage do not want to wait and may choose to seek alternative healthcare providers who are much quicker to adopt the new standards of care in this pipeline that are targeting a natural approach to help the body work as it is designed, cautious of any potential risks.

Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative branch of healthcare focused on the structure, muscles and nerves of the body. Naturally then, nerve damage falls into their area of expertise. Following the research of great institutions of our time, a very small specialized group of chiropractors have begun to adopt new nerve regeneration research findings results and implement the protocols into practice early. Long before they will be seen in conventional practice.

Unfortunately, there have been reports of select chiropractors taking advantage of desperate neuropathy patients with either exorbitant fees in the $10,000 range, or neuropathy treatments that do not target the foundations for nerve health — and they simple don’t work.

Neuropathy treatments offered by alternative practitioners are considered experimental, and therefore not covered by insurance. While some chiropractors have helped many patients find lasting relief of peripheral neuropathy symptoms, fees associated with this therapy range on average from $3,000 to $10,000. Results vary depending on many factors, including severity of damage and patient compliance during neuropathy treatment. After examination and testing, your chiropractor should be able to give you an estimate of your expected recovery and treatment duration.